If you've been following along, you'll know I've been ignoring this blog, the kitchen, and you for at least a few weeks now, maybe longer.
Turns out I'm a crappy cook and writer (...and maybe girlfriend?) while my life is undergoing upheaval.
But things are sorting themselves out. I'll be starting a new job on Monday which is exciting and terrifying. And for now I'm settling into a kind of peace with things. So onward! and into the kitchen!
You'll also be pleased to know that my life is now a little bit more complete since I've been to the Stonewall Kitchen store in Portland, ME. It's like being in a toy store.
Add your butter and olive oil (or whatever) to a pot
Once heated, add onions and carrots (and garlic powder). Cook 2-3 minutes over medium heat or until onions are soft.
Once potatoes are soft, remove from heat and put in your handy blender or otherwise use an immersion blender, if you are cool like that. You could mash them too, I suppose, if you weren't attached to a puree texture.
Place mush-like mixture back in pot over medium-ish heat and add cream and the quarterback of this recipe, the Maple Pumpkin Butter. Taste regularly to make sure you are achieving the right level of pumpkin for you.
Heat gently and enjoy! I had mine with cheddar cheese and croutons