I'm not a "neat" person anyway, Ethan will tell you. I am the queen of losing important envelopes or receipts I've written notes on the back of, to large, towering stacks of mail, books, and newspapers (mostly circulars). We had to move some of the stacks under the couch to make more room. At any given time I have as many as 5 projects ongoing - most of which are taking place inside my head - with pieces of each scattered around the house.
But today I managed to use what seems like every dish in the house making apple turnovers from scratch. I've wanted to try these since I've been able to browse the glorious apple selection now available and the season is pretty much coming to a close. What could be a better time than on the brink of an impeding disaster? Everyone needs a little dessert with their torrential rain, high winds and possible snow.
Apple Turnovers
Pies are cool but there is something about eating a turnover that is so much more satisfying for me. Pie is good the first night, but you can eat turnovers for breakfast. I will be eating turnovers for breakfast tomorrow, because they are delicious. You can't eat pie for breakfast.
What will you need?
For the crust:
14 TBS butter (almost 2 sticks)
2 1/4 c. all-purpose flour + more for rolling
1/3 c. water
2 TBS apple-cider vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
For the filling:
2 TBS butter
4 Apples of your choice, I used 3 Granny Smith + 1 pear because pears were on sale
1/2 c. brown sugar (whichever type you have, or prefer)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 TBS cornstarch
1 TBS water
This is pretty much an all day project so don't go procrastinating if you really want to get this job done. Making the crust is fairly straight-forward when you read about it but the whole thing can go wrong pretty quick - too much kneading, not enough kneading, too much water, not enough water. WARNING: This is my first crust ever! My mom makes a really great pie crust but then she tells me "oh just go buy it at the store". Not as fun Mom! Not as fun. Gotta figure it out.
Make several slits in the top of your turnover to vent before putting in the oven for 25 minutes at 400˚F.
your amazing