Friday, May 3, 2013

Cheeseburger Blues

This is what happens when I try to be a vegetarian for like... 1 day.

I've been dreaming of cheeseburgers. Not kidding. Last night I went to bed imagining fried chicken, sausages, and cheeseburgers with all the worst stuff on them... bacon. cheese. mushrooms. the kitchen sink. All delicious. I probably could have eaten one right then and there but, just my luck, it was after midnight and the Price Chopper was closed.

I had to work until 6:30 tonight and by the end all I could think about was getting to the BigY.  Since Ethan's been gone in Atlanta I've not been doing a fantastic job feeding myself. Instead of grocery shopping (one of my favorite activities) I've been eating through the food in the house we don't eat (cans of tuna, jars of sauce, you know that stuff at the back of the cabinets? yea, that stuff). We were pretty much down to a container of mushrooms, some lettuce, and like every condiment ever (and it should go without saying, coffee, duh).

So after a few days of refusing to go to the store to buy anything, I hadn't eaten any meat since at least ... Tuesday morning? I honestly can't remember. So it is Friday and I was salivating over smells wafting in my car window. Even at the Mobil. Gross.

I get home with my burger - bleu cheese - and I get ready to cook it

Mind you, this is the first burger I have EVER cooked in my adult life completely unattended. Cooking meat that isn't chicken or fish is DEFINITELY Ethan's department. But I'm an independent woman and such so here I go:

And then....


I nearly burn down the house.  Smoke everywhere! No lie there was probably so much smoke coming out of my window, I am entirely surprised the nosy lady across the street didn't call the police.

But when the smoke cleared... or just lessened, the burger itself didn't seem so bad. Until I ate it. And it just wasn't the mouth watering, juicy, delicious burger of my dreams.

Sad face.

And then I realized, what I really wanted is for Ethan to come home from Atlanta and make me good tasting cheeseburgers and just be home, in general.  So until he comes home (~24 hours), I will revert to my scavenger, vegetarian ways.

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